Getting InSync

Podcast - How to Be in Three Places at Once: Tips From Myra Travin

Written by InSync Training | Mar 7, 2019 2:46:00 AM

Myra Travin, Educational Futurist and Learning Design Innovator, sat down with Phyllis Banner to discuss how learning and development practitioners can keep up with the speed of change in the industry.

The modern learning landscape seems to get more complicated with each passing day. How can anyone possibly keep up?

Modern learning practitioners need to be able to operate and succeed in three places at once! Everything we do, including our strategies, visions, and methods, need to simultaneously consider the past, present and future.

Listen to Myra's appearance on our Modern Learning on the Air podcast to learn how to address this struggle, and discover the answers to common questions including:

  • Do you think we’ve learned from the strategies we’ve used in the past?
  • Are people learning?
  • Does behavior change inform the future of training or not?
  • What is Guerilla Learning?

To listen to the podcast, click below.