Blended Learning vs. Hybrid Learning. It's Complicated. (Transcript)
Transcript: A Conversation with Jennifer Hofmann and Karen Vieth Tune into the InSync Podcast where Karen Vieth, the Vice President of Virtual...
2 min read
InSync Training : Sep 14, 2023 2:00:03 PM
Tune into the InSync Podcast where Karen Vieth, the Vice President of Virtual Learning Solutions, and Jennifer Hofmann, the Founder and President of InSync Training, delve into blended and hybrid learning.
Topics covered include the rise and uniqueness of hybrid learning, how hybrid and blended learning connect, and how you can cultivate curiosity and continuous learning in these complicated learning environments. Some summarized highlights from the conversation are below.
Click on the image below to launch the podcast.
View the complete transcript here.
Learn more about the four-hour workshop mentioned in this podcast here: Hybrid Training: Merging People and Content to Optimize Learner Engagement in Blended Learning
The Rise of Hybrid Learning: The pandemic's profound influence on our work dynamics and learning environments has ushered in a new era. Hybrid learning emerges as a pivotal response to this shifting landscape, deftly accommodating learners dispersed across diverse locations and making use of a wide array of devices. This innovative approach is not a passing fad but a permanent fixture, resonating seamlessly with the continuing wave of remote and hybrid work arrangements.
The Uniqueness of Hybrid Learning: Hybrid learning is far more than the sum of its parts—it is a distinct educational ecosystem in its own right. It dispels the fallacy that it merely merges two separate realms of learning. Instead, it crafts an inclusive space where every learner, whether physically present or virtually connected, is integral to the learning experience. In the world of hybrid learning, no one is left behind, and an environment is forged that fosters equal opportunity for all.
Hybrid vs. Blended: the Intersection: Hybrid learning results from the evolution of blended learning, redefining the landscape by seamlessly intertwining content delivery and blended learning models with the intricacies of where and how learning takes place. Within this innovative approach lies a sweet spot where content, location, and devices harmoniously converge, creating a dynamic learning environment that adapts to various settings. The art of designing activities and course materials within this framework empowers learners across diverse contexts, offering a rich and inclusive educational experience.
Fostering Connection in Hybrid Learning: In the realm of hybrid learning, technology serves as a vital bridge, effortlessly connecting learners regardless of their geographical distances. It fosters a culture of continuous learning and inclusivity, breaking down physical barriers and ensuring that every participant feels valued and engaged. Within this environment, facilitators emerge as the linchpins, expertly bridging the realms of content and human interaction, ensuring a cohesive and collaborative learning experience for all.
Universal Design and Hybrid Learning: Universal design plays a pivotal role in the realm of hybrid learning by ensuring that all learners, regardless of their unique needs, have equal access to educational content. This approach thrives on diversity, offering information in a multitude of formats and fostering various means of interaction to accommodate diverse learning styles. In doing so, it promotes an environment of inclusivity where equality prevails across distinct learning landscapes.
Cultivating Curiosity and Continuous Learning: At the heart of effective hybrid learning lies the encouragement of curiosity, igniting intellectual engagement among learners. This approach nurtures a culture that thrives on continuous learning and encourages strong connections within the learning community. Acknowledging the inherent complexity of hybrid learning, it underscores the significance of deliberate and thoughtful design by emphasizing the importance of intentionality in crafting an educational experience that transcends physical boundaries, that keeps students engaged, and that embraces the ever-evolving landscape of modern education.
Transcript: A Conversation with Jennifer Hofmann and Karen Vieth Tune into the InSync Podcast where Karen Vieth, the Vice President of Virtual...
1 min read
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