Storytelling and Microlearning Transform Training Experiences

Storytelling and Microlearning Transform Training Experiences
Using Storytelling and Microlearning in Training

Laura Goodrich, Global Workforce Innovator at GWT Next, sat down with Phyllis Banner to discuss combining storytelling and short bursts of learning to create what she terms cinematic microlearning.

Research has shown that listening to stories helps us make better connections with material and that we retain information better when we receive it via short bursts of learning (commonly called microlearning).

Cinematic microlearning can be used for improved ROI on our training, and more engaging experiences for our learners. 

Listen to Laura's appearance on our Modern Learning on the Air podcast to learn about her design methods using cinematic microlearning, which focus on three questions:

  • Where do we want to measure?
  • What do we want to measure?
  • Where do we want to step in and ask for that story?

To listen to the podcast, click below.



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