1 min read

Is Your Training Meeting Expectations?

Is Your Training Meeting Expectations?

It can be challenging to determine if your training is making the impact you want it to. One way to ensure you’re hitting the mark is proper measurement and evaluation. We’ve made it easy for you with a checklist of the
10 Must-Have Tools for Measuring Learning Impact. 

L&D professionals can use this checklist to ensure they use the right tools for evaluating training impact effectively and efficiently. These tools can be found in the last chapter of Dr. Jane Bozarth’s quintessential L&D resource book “From Analysis to Evaluation: Tools, Tips and Techniques for Trainers,” published by InSync Training.   

All the tools are included in Jane’s book. It is a comprehensive resource that provides a wealth of tools curated from leading training practitioners. With over 70 tools included, this makes it an indispensable guide for both novice and experienced training professionals.  

Purchase your copy of the book today and then join us for a live webinar with Jane Bozarth featuring tips and strategies for evaluating training. “Measure What Matters” is happening on August 29th. Save your spot here: https://www.insynctraining.com/webinar 


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[Podcast] Our Experts Tackle L&D Myths

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Building Learning Community Online

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Creating Positive Learning Experiences: The Team Approach

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