[Podcast] What's Driving The Need for Virtual Onboarding?
Gallup research says 88% of organizations don't do a great job of onboarding new hires. This leads to lower employee engagement, which leads to...
InSync Training : May 7, 2020 10:26:00 PM
Fact: "One does not simply move learning online."
Transitioning face-to-face classroom training to the virtual classroom or launching new live online learning programs requires a thoughtful process.
Proven keys to success include: purposeful instructional design, engaging facilitation, and expert technical support. But there's one additional consideration that often goes overlooked - what happens before a session starts.
Based on information from the very popular blog post Virtual Learning 101: Set Your Virtual Classroom Up for Success this short video helps make sure you know what steps to take in the time leading up to a virtual session.
To watch the video, click below.
Gallup research says 88% of organizations don't do a great job of onboarding new hires. This leads to lower employee engagement, which leads to...
Virtual sessions run the gamut from incredibly engaging to incredibly boring. One of the biggest influences on success? The Facilitator! Some...
Considerations for your Hybrid Virtual Learning Strategy Watch this InSync Insights Webinar, "Strategies for Virtual, Blended, & Hybrid Learning...