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Virtual, Blended, & Hybrid Learning Resources: Read. Watch. Listen.

Virtual, Blended, & Hybrid Learning Resources: Read. Watch. Listen.


Blended Learning. Virtual Learning. Hybrid Learning. It's complicated.

But we've got you covered.

The business world has undergone a drastic shift in recent times as more and more people have started working remotely. This has led to a significant transformation in corporate learning and development, with companies looking to leverage virtual, blended, and hybrid learning environments to train their employees.


In today's world, businesses need to be agile and adaptive. With the rise of remote work, companies are increasingly exploring virtual, blended, and hybrid learning environments to train their employees. However, this new landscape requires a different approach to corporate learning, one that involves leveraging technology and innovative delivery methods.

Download the Toolkit

Navigating this landscape can be a challenge if one doesn't have the right knowledge and tools at their disposal. To help address this challenge, InSync Training has created 'The New Normal: Strategies for Virtual, Blended, & Hybrid Learning Environments,' a toolkit designed to help organizations adapt to this new world of learning.

Download the toolkit.

Watch the Webinar Recording 

If you would like to learn more and listen to a great discussion, watch this recorded InSync Insights Webinar, "Strategies for Virtual, Blended, & Hybrid Learning Environments," where Karen Vieth and Cindy Foster from InSync Training share their insights.

Watch the recording.

Listen to the Podcast

Tune into the InSync Podcast where Karen Vieth, the Vice President of Virtual Learning Solutions, and Jennifer Hofmann, the Founder and President of InSync Training, delve into the blended and hybrid learning.

This episode is titled "Blended Learning vs. Hybrid Learning. It's complicated."

Topics covered include the rise and uniqueness of hybrid learning, how hybrid and blended learning connect, and how to cultivate curiosity and continuous learning in these complicated learning environments.

Listen to the podcast.

InSync Training designed these resources specifically to help organizations transition to virtual, blended, and hybrid learning environments. This toolkit features a insightful articles that can help organizations optimize their training programs and increase their employees' engagement and retention rates.

By providing a comprehensive understanding of these learning approaches, as well as practical tools and strategies, these resources empower organizations to create effective and engaging training programs that can help their employees thrive in the new world of work.

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