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The Virtual Classroom Facilitator: Trainer, Coach, & Mentor

The Virtual Classroom Facilitator: Trainer, Coach, & Mentor

The role of live virtual classroom is often defined as the leader and lesson guide, who instead of lecturing, provides an environment that allows learners to take responsibility for their learning.

The Virtual Facilitator is often seen as the ‘face’ of the virtual instructional team. They’re the person out in front, working with the learners, teaching the content. But why do we call them facilitators, rather than teachers, trainers or something else? The word facilitator, according to the Oxford English Dictionary means “a person or thing that makes an action or process easy or easier”. So really, that’s the job of our facilitators – to make the learning easier. Carl Rogers said, “We cannot teach another person directly; we can only facilitate his learning”. 

A facilitator plays many roles, including virtual trainer, coach and mentor. There's so much that goes into being an excellent facilitator. Excellent facilitators ask questions and are authentic in their approach. They are enthusiastic, patient, insightful and use active listening skills. 

This "What's the Role of the Virtual Facilitator" infographic offers a unique and sometimes overlooked view into the role of virtual facilitator. 

Download Infographic

InSync Training Role of the Virtual Facilitator


Are you interested in learning more about becoming and excellent facilitator? 

Get Certified in Virtual Facilitation Mastery

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